Starting on Feb 27, 2016, I’ll be traveling the world for a year with Remote Year, a program that brings together 75 digital nomads from all over the world. We’ll be working, living, and growing together.
As I pack all my entire life into a carry on suitcase and a checked bag, I started thinking about containers. Containers are everywhere. The clothes that you wear is a container, the bottle you drink from is a container, even the room that you’re in right now is a container.
The best containers are functional first, emotional second. After all, their main job is to protect the contents inside. Here are the 5 must-have containers that I’m bringing on my year traveling the world.
1. Bookbook Case for Macbook Pro and iPad
Bookbook cases are handcrafted leather cases that look like old books. They’re made by a clever company called Twelve South. It hides and protects the most expensive gear that I’ve packed on this trip – my Macbook Pro and iPad.

Not only is it functional, it’s also emotional. The soft, leather feel adds a nice organic feel to the cold, straight edges of my Apple products.

2. REI Stratocruiser Wheeled Backpack
This is my luggage of choice. Not only does is it super light, it has a hidden harness that can transform this container into a backpack. This feature will free you from the constraints of pavement and even ground and turn you into a true Nomad. I once had to hike a mile across several hills and was saved by this harness. One more thing, the luggage comes with a removable, full-featured daypack so you get two awesome bags for the price of one.
3. Mundial Team Soccer (Fútbol) Shoes
For those that know me, you know that soccer is my main addiction. I once planned a trip around Europe based on where I can play soccer. Soccer shoes are not only containers that support your feet, but they also give you the traction you need climbing rocks or running past defenders. Out of all the shoes I’ve tried, the Mundial Team soccer shoes is by far the most versatile of them all. The studs on the bottom are short enough to walk comfortably around the city and tall enough to grip the grass when I’m on the field. They’re also great for hiking. When I was in Japan, I used the same shoes to hike up a mountain in Kyoto and play soccer in the room top of Tokyo.
4. Ricoh Theta 360 Camera
Cameras are containers of memory. A lot of my favorite memories were composed of adventures that I shared with my friends. Since Remote Year placed a lot of thought into creating communities and building life long friendships, I knew that I needed a special camera to capture these memories.
Enter Ricoh Theta 3, one of the best entry-level 360 cameras currently on the market. I was introduced to this gadget from my friend Newton. Check out one of of pictures we took on a random cave excursion. Make sure to click on the picture for the for the full 360 experience.
5. Traveling Mailbox
One of the “must-have” containers that I got was a container that lived in the United States: my physical mailbox. Traveling Mailbox is a mail-scanning service that let me view my “snail-mail” online anywhere in the world. I signed up for the Traveling service and got a San Diego mailing address that they owned. Now I can access and manage all my physical mail and keep a California address for my business / banks / credit cards.
Here’s what my inbox looks like:
These are my 5 “Must-Have Containers” for traveling the world for a year. Curious on what else I’ve packed? Get instant access to my full “1 Year Packing List” by filling the form below:
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