Hi, I’m Nomad Charles.
I’m a former NASA Engineer turned Spiritual Treasure Hunter.
Spiritual Treasures, to me, are unique skills and items that can transform one’s health and spirit

Many teas offer different aromas, flavor, and texture.
“Few teas” offer feelings, energies, and emotions.
My current mission is to share these “few teas.”
Many teas come from large farms that use pesticide and fertilizer.
Few teas come from small farms that grow tea in a clean, vibrant ecosystem full of life.
My upcoming tours will share the Few Teas that offer different feelings, energies, and emotions.

After people experience these Few Teas, I will offer to connect them to the tea farmer so they buy directly from the farm.
Instead of a centralized, multi-gate supply-chain that connect Tea Farmer to Distributor to Store to Consumer,
I’ll create to create a distributed, direct supply-chain that connect Tea Farmer to Consumer.
And in the process increase awareness for the environment,
generate more love in society,
and deepen the connection between body, mind, and spirit.

So how did I go from NASA Engineer to Spiritual Treasure Hunter?
Let me explain…
From NASA Engineer to Digital Nomad
I received my Master’s Degree in Space Systems Engineering from the University of Michigan.
My first job was at NASA, “worked there” for 2 years, and designed NASA’s first iPhone App.
The app was downloaded millions of times, featured on every iPhone in all Apple stores, and was awarded NASA’s “Software of the Year.”

My skills later took me to Apple, Ticketmaster, and a few startup companies in between.
I often worked as a software product manager (think movie director, but for software).
My work led to a few patents and made it into Popular Science magazine.
One day, a small company I worked for laid off my boss and many coworkers.
I felt depressed, confused, and helpless.
This pain motivated me to to start an online business, quit my job, sell everything, and leave the United States.

And so I left my career as a software product manager.
And started living as a digital nomad (someone who travels while working online).
I made less, experienced more, and felt free.
Some of my travels:

After traveling for a year, I felt my growth stagnated.
I got tired of staring at screens and became more interested in body, mind, and spirituality.
From Digital Nomad to Spiritual Treasure Hunter
I got trained in yoga, meditation, and tea. My world became less digital and more analog.
Not only did I acquire new skills, I practice, experiment, test, synthesize, and refine them.
Some of skills became “Spiritual Treasures” because they are rare, valuable, and can be shared.

Spiritual Treasures in my current collection:

500 years ago, Old Explorers like Columbus and Magellan charted expeditions to explore the physical world.
Instead of hunting Physical Treasures leading to material wealth, I am hunting Spiritual Treasures leading to non-material health.
I am Nomad Charles, a Spiritual Treasure Hunter.